No-Knock Registration Online Form

The Township of River Vale has instituted a No Knock List for those residents that do not wish to have solicitors knock on their door. By filling out the form below, you are agreeing to have your address placed on a Do Not Knock list that will be given to all licensed solicitors. This will prohibit them from knocking on your door to solicit. The River Vale Police Department will also be provided a copy of the list as it is updated. **Exempt by law are non-profit, charitable, religious or political groups.**

Ordinance Information

Please click here to view the ordinance in full.

Any solicitor or canvasser violating the provisions of Township Ordinance 343-2018 will be fined.

No Knock Sticker

No Knock Sticker

No-Knock List Registration

5 Questions

The TRV has instituted a No Knock List for those residents that do not wish to have solicitors knock on their door. By filling out the form below, you are agreeing to have your address placed on a Do Not Knock list that will be given to all licensed solicitors. This will prohibit them from knocking on your door to solicit. The River Vale Police Department will also be provided a copy of the list as it is updated. Exempt by law are non-profit, charitable, religious or political groups.

Please check this box if you would like to be mailed a sticker to identify your home as a "No Knock Residence."
